December 4, 2020

Spring Reopening Update

Dear Goucher Community,

Although the semester has come to an end, the Spring Reopening Task Force continues to meet weekly to prepare and plan how to welcome students back to campus. We also continue to update our Return to Campus website and recommend you check it regularly. Over the next few months, we will add a COVID dashboard and updated FAQs to this website and direct you to these new sections as changes are made.

We write today with two updates regarding our return to campus.

Athletic Update

If conditions allow, Goucher intends to hold competitive seasons for all sports, with the possible exception of indoor track and field. The Landmark Conference has continued to meet regularly and announced yesterday that winter sports will begin no earlier than February 5. They will not conduct an Indoor Track & Field Championship and are currently investigating the feasibility of a Swim & Dive Championship. Landmark institutions' presidents will reconvene in early January to finalize winter sport schedules, championship information, and competitive opportunities for fall sports during the spring semester. We will continue to send updates as they are made available.

Housing Update

We currently still have beds available for those students who wish to live on campus in the spring. Any student interested should email residential life for the next steps ( At this time, any student who submitted the housing application by the deadline has been informed of their housing assignment or room draw number. If you did not receive such an email or believe there is an error, please contact residential life as soon as possible. Students participating in the room draw process will receive information about the next steps directly from the Office of Residential Life.

We will continue to monitor national health guidelines and the local health situation and send weekly updates through our return to campus in February. Future emails will include information about additional testing and communications protocols, academic updates and reminders, and links to an updated dashboard. We encourage everyone in our community to engage in the best-recommended behaviors to help slow the spread of this virus.

Please reach out with any questions.

Be well.