July 16, 2020

Isolation and Quarantine Planning Guide for Students

Dear Goucher Community,

As we continue the thorough preparations for our return to campus, it is important for students to understand our pandemic isolation and quarantine planning. Because there is typically little time to prepare for isolation or quarantine when instructed to do so, Goucher College has developed a planning guide to assist students in preparing to isolate or quarantine. The guide is for students living both on and off campus. All students are required to review the planning guide and create their own personal plan for potential isolation and quarantine. In the event that you will need to be isolated or quarantined, we will work with students who have extraordinary circumstances, when needed.

Since the pandemic is a fluid situation, we will continue to track developments and modify our guidance appropriately. We will be working closely with local and state public health officials to help stem the spread of the virus and to provide as safe and healthy a campus experience as we can this fall.

We recognize that cases of COVID-19 are increasing across the United States. Consequently, we will continue to monitor the coronavirus pandemic nationwide and refine our plans so as to benefit from the most up-to-date scientific research and public health guidance at the time.

We will also issue further guidance to students in known active hot spots to help advise them as to the safest course of action. We remain committed to the health and safety of the entire Goucher community, and in future weekly updates will provide more detailed information on Goucher’s plans for assessing risk levels and the testing and ongoing monitoring of the Goucher College community.

Please continue to visit our Return to Campus website for additional information and updates.

Be well.