October 14, 2020

Returning to Campus in the Spring

Dear Goucher community,

As mentioned in our last email, the Spring Reopening Task Force meets weekly to prepare to welcome students back to campus. As plans are finalized, we will send regular emails to update the community about these decisions. This email is a summary of those decisions. We also continue to update our Return to Campus website and recommend you check it regularly.

Below is a summary of updates about our return to campus in February. Please know that all decisions are being made in the interest of prioritizing the health and safety of our community.

Spring Semester Class Registration

Students will be required to indicate their decision to physically or virtually attend classes in the spring semester. This preference must be communicated before registration. An email will be sent later this week with additional information and a link to indicate your preference. In addition, the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement will need to be completed ahead of registration.

Spring Travel & Campus Restrictions

All college-sponsored travel, including study abroad and community-based learning trips, will be suspended for the spring semester. This includes all faculty and staff travel. Students graduating in May who have not yet fulfilled the graduation requirement have received information about alternative options from the Office of Global Education.

In addition, as our focus is the health of our students, faculty, and staff, with the exception of some limited athletic activities, there will be no outside speakers or events permitted on campus for the spring semester.

Testing & Safety Measures

All students returning to campus will be required to be tested for COVID and quarantine upon arrival to campus as well as subject to additional frequent testing as conditions warrant to keep our community safe. We will also continue to utilize wastewater testing as we have done this fall semester.

Additionally, to reduce campus population density, we will request that many staff and faculty continue to work remotely for the spring semester.

We will send updates regarding housing, athletics, student activities, and alert level criteria in future emails. Much of the information that was shared previously remains relevant, but we continue to monitor national health guidelines and the local health situation and will adjust our spring reopening plan as needed.

Please reach out with any questions.

Be well.