Facilities Management Services

The mission of Facilities Management Services is to provide exceptional service and resources to our campus community. Our commitment is to communicate clearly, respond promptly and to effectively resolve the needs of our campus community. We are dedicated to working with the campus to provide a safe, comfortable, attractive, sustainable and functional environment conducive to teaching, learning, research, and community service.

Facilities Management Services (FMS) functions within the Division of Campus Operations.


FMS Work Requests

To submit a maintenance request, please use the Service Request Form, text us, or call 410-337-6166. For more information, view our FAQ page.

Maintenance Request

FMS Key Requests

To submit a key request, please us the Key Request Form.

Key Request

Winter Safety Tips

  1. No matter how well snow and ice have been cleared, walking in parking lots or between buildings requires special attention to avoid slipping and falling.
  2. Be very cautious on the north side of buildings, in shady areas and around vehicles.
  3. When driving on campus please drive slowly and be alert for pedestrians.
  4. Assume all wet, dark pavement or roadway is slippery.
  5. In snow and icy conditions wear boots or shoes that provide traction.
  6. Avoid and do not attempt to walk on untreated areas.