Goucher College Young Writers’ Camp

A one-week creative writing and college essay workshop for high school students who love to write!


Monday, June 24 – Friday, June 28, 2024, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET

Registration for our 2024 camp is now closed. Check back this winter for details about 2025!



Students in the Young Writers' Camp work with experienced writer-instructors at Goucher’s renowned Kratz Center for Creative Writing to: 

  • Study various genres of creative writing in author-led workshops
  • Participate in a personal essay writing workshop as they prepare their college essays
  • Receive feedback on their writing from peers and instructors
  • Explore Goucher campus
  • Learn about college life and the admissions process from college counselors and current students
  • Create an anthology of student writing


The Goucher College Young Writers' Camp will be held on Goucher College’s 287-acre campus in Baltimore, MD, just off the Dulaney Valley exit of I-695. Get directions.

Visiting Writers

Every year we bring award-winning authors and editors to campus to work with our students. Past guests include:

Fiction writers Maud Casey, Danielle Evans, Don Lee, and Rion Amilcar Scott

Poets celeste doaks, Leslie Harrison, and John Murillo

Nonfiction writers Katie Moulton, Jeannie Vanasco, and Eric Weiner

Managing Editor of American Short Fiction Nate Brown

  • Play Video

    Students in the Young Writers' Camp share their favorite genre.


$600 early registration (by May 15)

$650 late registration (after May 15)

Tuition includes all activities and writing supplies, a Goucher goody bag, a chance to win visiting authors’ books, and lunch at Goucher’s Mary Fisher Dining Hall.



For any questions, please contact thea.brown@goucher.edu.

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