May 12, 2016

Turn Your Love of Reading, Writing, and Revising Into a Career in Publishing

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    Webinar: Turn Your Love of Reading, Writing, and Revising Into a Career in Publishing

The Alumnae & Alumni of Goucher College and the Goucher Career Education Office invite you to participate in the next installment of our career webinar series:

Turn Your Love of Reading, Writing, and Revising Into a Career in Publishing
Presented by Sarah Jubar '08
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 18, Noon EST
Cost: Free!

Summary:  "You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what's burning inside you. And we edit to let the fire show through the smoke." -Arthur Plotnik

Do you collaborate often, read constantly, communicate effectively, manage multiple projects efficiently, and crave the chance to help quality work shine through the proverbial smoke? If so, a job as an editor might be for you. Hear about one English major's career path to publishing and take away a few tips to increase your chances of landing an editorial position.

Presenter Bio: Sarah Jubar is currently an acquisitions editor for Rowman & Littlefield's Education division. She earned a B.A. in English from Goucher College and an M.A. in writing from the Johns Hopkins University. Her fiction has appeared in Smalldoggies Magazine; Bluestem; Word Gumbo; and Short, Fast, and Deadly, among others. In addition to her love of engaging manuscripts, soy lattes, witty prose, and fine-tip Sharpie pens, she enjoys playing board games, re-watching Wes Anderson movies, and playing fetch with her dog, Olive.

About the Webinar Series: