Goucher Intern Funding

Goucher Intern Funding

Did you know?

Students who completed at least one paid internship received a job offer more quickly and had a higher first position salary than those who did not.

Almost 90% of students who submitted Part 2 were funded for summer 2024!!

We are excited to announce that funding for unpaid internships will now be offered in the Fall and Spring semesters, in addition to summer.

Award Amount

Award amount depends on number of hours worked and compensation direct from employer

  • up to $3,000, if you work 200 hours or more
  • up to $2,250, if you work between 150 and 199 hours
  • up to $1,500, if you work between 100 and 149 hours
  • up to $750, if you work up 50-99 hours

The award will be paid by check at the end of the term, after the internship and all requirements are completed


In order to be eligible for the Goucher Intern Funding (GIF), you must:

  • Secure an internship for the fall, spring or summer term
  • Receive compensation from the internship that is less than the award amount that aligns with hours worked 
  • Be a degree-seeking undergraduate student
  • Be enrolled for at least 12 credits in the semester you're doing the internship (i.e. Fall or Spring) OR registered for the Fall semester immediately following a summer internship (i.e. 12 credits for Fall 2025, for a Summer 2025 internship)
  • Have been awarded GIF only one other time. Students may be funded up to two times, with a preference given to first time applicants
  • Not be doing an international internship that is incorporated into a study abroad program through the Office of Global Education.  See this page to learn more about the approval process for international internships.


  • The period for which internship hours will count for funding will be two weeks before the first day of classes in the semester for which you apply.  The last day to accrue hours is two weeks after the last day of classes in that semester.  For example, January 13 - May 22, 2025 to count Spring 2025 semester funding.
  • Experiences affiliated with a Goucher faculty member, staff or office are not eligible
  • Remote/virtual internships are acceptable
  • Previous GIF award recipients may return to the same organization, but there must be new tasks and responsibilities for a second internship to be funded  
  • International Internships: Students in Office of Global Education (OGE) study abroad programs, including those that incorporate internships, are only eligible for OGE scholarships. GIF funding is reserved for students pursuing independent international internships not associated with OGE study abroad programs.

Application Instructions

There is a two-part application! 

Part 1: submit this form

  • Tell us about you
  • Submit at any time to let us know you're interested in the funding

Part 2: submit this form

  • Tell us about your internship
  • Submit once you have secured an internship

Almost 90% of students who submitted Part 2 were funded for summer 2024!!

This application invites you to:

    • Share Information about your internship
    • Respond to specific questions
    • Upload your resume
    • Indicate your internship supervisor.  After submission, an email will be sent to them with a request to reply to confirm internship hours and compensation.

Short answer questions to think about before you begin the application:

  • List tasks, projects and/or responsibilities of internship.
  • How will a Goucher Intern Funding assist you?
  • How have you prepared for this internship? Include academic courses, extracurricular activities, previous internships, work experiences, and community service.
  • How will the completion of your internship relate to your future career and/or academic plans?
  • Are there special circumstances you think it would be helpful for the selection committee to know? 

Deadline to Apply

Completed applications (part 1 and part 2 of the application and the site supervisor confirmation) will be read and assessed on a rolling selection process. You can only submit part 2 of the application after you have secured an internship. 

The last day to submit part 2 will be the last day of classes each term, according to the Academic Calendar.

Students with a well written application submitted in a timely fashion have the greatest likelihood of being funded. Almost 90% of students who submitted Part 2 were funded for summer 2024!!

Selection of Awardees

The Goucher Intern Funding Selection Committee chooses the recipients. A preference will be placed on:

  • Internships that are strongly connected to students academic and career goals
  • Internships with a high level of responsibility
  • Students with strong academic records in relevant coursework

Support locating an internship

The CEO is here to help you. You can search through our internship listings by visiting Handshake and the other resources listed on our internship page. Also, you can work one-on-one with someone at the CEO to develop a search strategy specific to your needs.