Undergraduate Commencement Roadmap

Please note the following important dates and events for Goucher's 2025 Commencement.


Review your degree requirements (major, minor, Goucher Commons, 120 credits, and a GPA of 2.0) on your own and with your advisor.

By Feb 10

Complete the Undergraduate Application for Graduation to let the Registrar’s Office know that you intend to complete your degree requirements in May.

If you believe you will be completing your degree in August, complete this form by April 1; December graduates should complete it by October 15.


Graduating Senior Survey opens. Watch your email for an invitation to participate and the opportunity to win a voucher that covers the cost of your graduation robe. Vouchers will be raffled off weekly once the survey launches.

By April 1

August graduates should complete the Undergraduate Application for Graduation.

By April 22

Complete the Marching Order online form to let us know if you plan to participate in the May 24, 2024, Commencement ceremony. May and August graduates are eligible to walk in the May ceremony.

  • Order tickets for your guests.
  • Go to herff.ly/goucher to purchase regalia (gown, hood, cap), announcements, thank you cards, and more. Participate in the Graduating Senior Survey and win a voucher for your robe.

May 19-22

Affinity Graduation Ceremonies - more details to come!*

Interconnect Ceremony

Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony

Latinx Triunfos

Donning of the Kente

Disability Visibility Ceremony

Lavender Ceremony

May 22

 Baccalaureate, Haebler Memorial Chapel, more details to come!*

May 23

Commencement, more details to come!*