The College Shield
The shield of Goucher College bears an open book inscribed "I. Thess. Ch. V. Vs.21" (Prove all things; hold fast that which is good) against a gold background. Three lilies appear against a blue field in the left lower quarter; in the right lower corner are the arms of the state of Maryland and of the family of Lord Baltimore.

College Mascot

College Colors
Blue and Gold

Opening Celebration
At the start of each academic year, students, faculty, and staff gather to welcome new and returning members to the Goucher community. To celebrate, students process from the residential area to the academic quad, where a ceremony and campus-wide dinner with entertainment are held.

Family Weekend
Parents and families of all students are invited to visit Goucher in the fall semester for a full weekend of activities.

GIG (Get Into Goucher)
GIG is our traditional fall celebration that takes place at the end of Welcome Week. This activity-filled day begins with the ringing of the chapel bells to end classes and signal the start of carnival rides, games, food, and music. This event promotes college-wide festivities for all students, faculty, staff, and their families.

Spring Convocation: Goucher Celebrates Academic Achievement and the Arts
This ceremony to honor students is held every spring in Kraushaar Auditorium and, weather permitting, is followed by a campus-wide dinner in the courtyard or the academic quad.

New Student Convocation
The New Student Convocation is an Academic College Welcome to the new incoming class and a brief informal opportunity for faculty to connect with students and their parents.