
Jamie Batts
Jamie Batts is an Educational Developer in the Center for Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching at Goucher College. She has extensive K12 teaching experience, and has been an educational leader in both K12 and higher education for over 20 years. Her role in the program is to support both the faculty mentor and the teaching fellow. More specifically, she coordinates with the teaching fellow to discuss their program goals and guides them through the process of observation and feedback. Since not all mentorships look the same, this varies from fellow to fellow. Overall, teaching fellows are thankful for her guidance and expertise throughout the program.

Rivka Glaser, PhD
Dr. Rivka Glaser is a Professor of Biology and Director of the Honors Program at Stevenson University where she primarily teaches Introductory Biology and Genetics. She is committed to supporting professional development, especially among graduate students and postdoctoral students who are interested in teaching at PUIs. She has served as her campus’s liaison to the Collaborative Teaching Fellowship Program since 2017. She is also the co-chair of the Undergraduate Genetics Education Network (UGEN), which offers virtual workshops that model innovative and active pedagogies that can be used to teach genetics concepts and/or confront misconceptions about genetics. Each year, the workshop focuses on a socially relevant theme.

Bill Harder
Bill Harder, Ph.D. is an educator and social scientist working in a variety of cross-disciplinary spaces that have at their core a focus on critical pedagogies and democratic storytelling. He is the Director of Goucher College’s Center for the Advancement of Scholarship & Teaching (CAST) and an Assistant Professor of Political Science. His work and scholarship address how to effectively integrate inclusive and critical pedagogies to further student learning and growth. At Goucher he is actively involved in faculty hiring and onboarding and facilitates the New Faculty Institute that all new-to-Goucher faculty participate in during their first year. In addition to his pedagogical work, his scholarship also explores state and local politics, social media politics, and the documentary film industry.

Dr. Judy Levine
Dr. Judy Levine is a Professor of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, teaching a variety of courses related to cell and molecular biology and biochemistry. Over the years, she has mentored several teaching fellows through CTFP. She values this program as a “win-win-win” for all involved – herself, her students, and the teaching fellow. Teaching fellows have helped supplement her expertise, helped her implement ideas in her courses that she wouldn’t otherwise have had the time for, and exposed students to a new perspective beyond my own. The students also gain from the role model provided by a younger instructor near the beginning of his/her academic career. The teaching fellows gain a greater appreciation for the teaching environment at a liberal arts college as well as some experience to put on their CVs. This program also creates an automatic pool of “known quantity” applicants for the occasional adjunct hires we need to make at Goucher; on more than one occasion we have hired former teaching fellows to teach sections of general chemistry lab or cell biology lab.

Verónica A. Segarra
Verónica A. Segarra, Ph.D. is currently Associate Professor and the Maryland E-Nnovation Endowed Chair in Biological Sciences and Chemistry. In addition to her role as a faculty member, Dr. Segarra has led successful efforts for scientific societies to make their disciplines more inclusive and diverse through the conceptualization of national-level grants that create professional development opportunities for scholars of color in the life sciences. Scholars that have been participants in these grant-funded programs, most of them women, have accomplished challenging career transitions into the professoriate and, in some cases, tenure and promotion. Most recently, at Goucher, Dr. Segarra has leveraged this expertise to secure funding for the ACCESS to PUIs program, allowing the college to recruit trainees that are interested in experiencing being part of the faculty at small liberal arts colleges as a way to build an impactful career. Dr. Segarra is the PI of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) grant that funds the ACCESS to PUIs program.