M.A.A.A. Core Courses

AAD 601. Principles of Arts Administration (3)

This course introduces students to the history and practice of arts administration. It examines the distinctions and challenges common to all areas of the arts and considers the differences in mission and administration among organizations in theatre, dance, music, visual arts, media arts, arts councils and arts service organizations, arts education, and multidisciplinary organizations. The course examines regulations and distinction related to nonprofit status and various new hybrids. It reviews community involvement in the arts at the local, state, regional and national levels. It examines the cultural and economic contributions of the arts. 
Instructor: Ramona Baker

AAD 605. Writing and Research Methods for the Arts Administrator (3)

This course will strengthen students' writing and research skills in preparation for a career in arts administration. The course will prepare students not only for the professional writing needed in the field, but also for the academic writing that is expected in the M.A.A.A. program. Students will build on their current skills, emphasizing the use of style and tone to reach an audience, the mechanics of good writing, and editing skills.  Using analysis and problem-solving methods, students will consider approaches that may be useful in a variety of situations that arts administrators may face.  The research section of the course will review the steps required for academic research, synthesis of research findings, organization of a paper, and proper citation.  Required for the first year.
Instructor: Gregory Charleston

AAD 610. Leadership and Strategic Thinking (3)

This course examines the characteristics of effective  leadership in a nonprofit arts organization. It considers the ways in which skills and abilities can inspire the most productive interactions with and amongst artists, arts administrators, staff, boards, volunteers, audiences, etc. The course examines the best approaches to governance and structure for different types of arts organizations, and examines ethical considerations. The course looks at the changing needs of leadership as well as strategic planning related to organizational and community changes. 
Instructor: Ramona Baker

AAD 611. Financial Management for the Arts (3)

This course introduces students to financial and accounting principles for the nonprofit executive. The vocabulary of finance, the tools for analysis of financial statements, the review of internal controls, and the basics of budgeting will help the student understand the role of the nonprofit manager in leading the organization to sound financial decisions. 
Instructor: David Holland

AAD 612. Marketing the Arts (3)

This course examines the development of internal and external marketing plans. It considers various approaches to maximize impact for different types, styles, and sizes of arts organizations. It examines the most productive uses of all forms of media. The course focuses on audience development and demographics, market segmentation, relationship products, promotional tools and tactics, e-marketing and uses of social media, research, customer service, and media relations. 
Instructor: Michael Crowley

AAD 613. Developing Financial Resources (3)

This course prepares students to take a leadership role in the planning and management of a comprehensive development program for a non-profit arts organization. It focuses on annual giving by individual, corporate, and foundation donors and examines the value of face-to-face solicitation, donor benefits, events, mass mailings, telefunding, social media, and online giving to secure contributed income. Participants will learn to identify, cultivate, solicit and steward donors at all levels and to develop fundraising skills and instincts among an arts organization's board, staff, and volunteers. An introduction to capital, planned giving, and endowment campaigns rounds out this core offering. Prerequisite: AAD 611 Financial Management.
Instructor: Marcia James

AAD 614. Law and the Arts (3)

This course examines the legal rights and responsibilities of artists and artistic institutions. Topics include the law of intellectual property (copyright and trademark), moral rights, personality rights (defamation, publicity, and privacy), and freedom of expression. The course also provides an introduction to basic contract law and to the structure and language of contracts, including commissioning, performance rights, and music licensing agreements. Other legal issues that arise in the management of arts organization may also be discussed.
Instructor: Naomi M. Barry-Pérez

AAD 617. Public Policy for the Arts (3)

This course examines governmental policy on the arts at the national, state and local levels including the history of public arts policy in this country and current politics.  Understanding and changing public policy, identifying decision-makers and developing a vocabulary for successful advocacy are major components of the course. This course is taken during each student's second summer residency.
Instructor: David Holland

AAD 625. Grantsmanship (1.5)

This course will cover the process of researching, preparing, and managing corporate, foundation, and government grants for nonprofit arts organizations. Topics to be covered will include research, cultivation, understanding guidelines, program development, outcomes-based evaluation, letters of intent, preparation of proposals, and reporting process. Students will become familiar with their own local funding environment, and will prepare complete grant proposals.
Instructor: Gregory Charleston

AAD 627. International Arts Policy (3)

This course examines international arts policy, including those policies of Asia (Far East and Middle East), Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Australia. The primary goal of the course is to better prepare graduates to operate in a global context with an awareness of international artistic and cultural diversity. It is taken during the third summer residency, and it includes student interaction with faculty and guest lectures representing major cultures covering various continents/regions. Students will develop an awareness of the ways in which cultural policies influence cultural development, cultural exchange, international economics, and programming within that culture. Students will examine current and historical factors that influence cultural policies and political agendas around the around the world.
Instructor: Anita Difanis

AAD 650. Independent Studies (3)

The purpose of the M.A.A.A. Independent Study is for each student to learn through individualized participation, research, guidance and/or observation. It is often taken in advance of the major paper.

AAD 651. Major Paper (3)

The major paper is a research paper and presentation that students do in their last year in the program. Students receive guidance regarding their major paper work throughout the process from the Major Paper Director, the M.A.A.A. Program Director, faculty and other team members.