Post-Bac Premed Glide Year
Because of the way the application and admission cycle for medical schools works,
students who participate in post-baccalaureate premedical programs at any school have
a transitional year, often called the glide year, between graduation from the program
and the time when they actually begin medical school.
The glide year can be very useful to graduates of the post-bac program. There are many valuable medical employment opportunities available during the glide year that can enhance the things you’ve just learned in class, preparing you even better for your new career and further broadening your perspective on the medical profession. And because there are always post-bac graduates vacating their positions to go on to medical school, your options will be plentiful when you graduate.
Recent graduates of the program are working at institutions such as the National Institutes of Health, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Baltimore City Health Department, Harvard Medical School, Partners in Health, University of Pennsylvania's Center for Health Care Innovation, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Harvard affiliates like the Brigham and Women's Hospital and McLean Hospital, the Cambridge Health Alliance, the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, the University of Chicago Medical Center, and the University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine