Leave of Absence & Withdrawal from the College

Information & Forms

The designated office for receiving and processing requests for leaves of absence and withdrawals from the college is the Office of the Registrar. However, students who are considering a leave of absence or withdrawal are strongly recommended to meet with their advisor or the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies prior to formally applying, and with the Office of the Vice President and Dean of Students, if the student is considering a medical withdrawal. Students should familiarize themselves with refund deadlines and financial liability for tuition and fees, and college housing. Review the Checklist for Students Leaving the College (PDF) for additional information.

Leave of Absence

Students in good academic and financial standing may request a leave of absence until the end of the Add/Drop period (day 10 into the semester). The request can be made for either one or two semesters. They will receive registration information at the appropriate time in the semester preceding their return and are responsible for all deadlines.  Students are limited to a total of two semesters of leave of absence during the pursuit of their undergraduate degree at Goucher. Leave of absences taken during the three semesters affected by COVID-19 in which Goucher College moved to remote instruction (spring 2020, fall 2020 and spring 2021) will not apply towards the two-semester limit. Students do not need to be reinstated to return from a leave of absence. Students must complete a Leave of Absence form and follow leave of absence procedures.

Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal Policy

This policy applies to all undergraduate students at Goucher College who withdraw the Last Day of Classes in extraordinary cases in which serious illness or injury (medical) or another significant personal situation (compassionate) prevents them from continuing their classes, and incompletes or other arrangements with the instructors are not possible. 

Detailed information about the medical and compassionate withdrawal process, as well as the requirements for returning to the college after such a withdrawal can be found in the college's Medical/Compassionate Leave Policy.  

Official Withdrawal from the College

An Official Withdrawal from the college removes the student from all academic programs. Students considering withdrawing from the college should review the withdrawal procedures. A student who has officially withdrawn from the college must be reinstated in order to return.

College Initiated Administrative Withdrawal

The college may administratively withdraw a student from classes, remove a student from residence halls, and/or require conditions for continued enrollment. For information, refer to the College Initiated Administrative Withdrawal policy.

Administrative Withdrawal from the College

Students who have not enrolled in courses, and have not submitted leave of absence paperwork by the end of the add period for a semester, will be withdrawn from the college. Students are limited to a total of two terms of leave of absence during the pursuit of their undergraduate degree at Goucher, and students who exceed this limit will also be withdrawn. Students who are administratively withdrawn from the college must be reinstated in order to return.

Note that withdrawal for any reason may affect the student's academic record, tuition charges and financial aid. See Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, Refund Policy, and Return of Federal Title IV Funds Policy.