Summer Sessions Room & Board
Any Goucher College student who has a housing assignment at Goucher College for the Fall 2025 semester or is participating in a Goucher College sponsored summer program is eligible to live on campus during the summer sessions, regardless of whether they are taking classes during a summer session.
Summer Housing
Summer housing is available to Goucher College students in Froelicher Hall. Summer housing will be available to students during each summer session or for the entire summer:
Full Summer
May, 17 – August, 26
$2,640 (Double)
$3,100 (Single)
$3,550 (Large Single)
Summer Session I
May, 17 – June, 29
$1,215 (Double)
$1,425 (Single)
$1,635 (Large Single)
Summer Session II
July, 7 – August, 26
$1,420 (Double)
$1,670 (Single)
$1,910 (Large Single)
Check-in for each block is available beginning at 10:00 a.m. on the start date listed above. Check-out for each block is no later than 10:00 a.m. on the end date listed above.
Summer Research Housing
Goucher College students participating in a Goucher College research program are eligible to live on campus, and the specific dates and rates for campus housing may differ from the above. While some programs may provide for the cost of campus housing during the dates of the program, students may also be responsible for the cost of campus housing for dates outside of the program dates. Participating summer research program students will be able to transition directly to their summer assignment without additional cost (see Spring Semester to Summer Session Transition below).
Summer Research - 7 Weeks
May, 26 – July, 20
$1,420 (Double)
$1,670 (Single)
$1,910 (Large Single)
Summer Meal Plans
A summer meal plan may be available based on the number of applicants and the availability of campus dining services during the summer sessions. The availability of campus dining services and a meal plan is not guaranteed. An announcement on summer meal service will be made in late spring as summer registration numbers are confirmed.
Spring Semester to Summer Session Transition
Summer residents residing on campus for the whole summer or for Summer Session I are required to be present on campus from May 19 - 26 in order to transition from their spring semester assignment to their summer session assignment. Students will remain in their spring semester assignment until given permission to transition to their summer session assignment, and all summer residents must vacate their spring semester assignment no later than May 26, 2025.
Summer Session to Fall Semester Transition
Summer residents residing on campus for the whole summer or for Summer Session I are required to be present on campus from August 11 - 15 in order to transition from their spring semester assignment to their summer session assignment. All summer residents must vacate their summer session assignment no later than August 15, 2025.
Registration for Summer Room &Board
The application for summer housing and meal plan (if available) is available through students’ The Housing Director (THD) self-service portal.
Applications will open on April 21, 2025. The priority application deadline is May 4, 2025. Applications received after May 4, 2025, may be subject to a late application fee.
Summer residents who submit the summer housing application by the priority deadline will receive their summer housing assignment during the week of May 12, 2025. Additional assignments will be made as space permits.
Summer Storage
Students are prohibited from storing or leaving personal property in their spring semester assignment through the summer or in a room during session blocks in which they have not contracted to occupy the space. For more information, visit the break storage page.
Summer Campus Housing for External Groups
Groups not directly affiliated with Goucher College interested in housing options for their group during the summer months should contact Goucher College Events and Conference Services for more information.