2000-2001 Programs
May 23, 2001, at 2:00 p.m. Alumnae and Alumni House
Rhoda Dorsey, President Emerita of Goucher College "Goucher Seen through the Magic of the Silver Screen in the 20s, 30s and 40s."
Wednesday, April 4, 2001 at 7:30 p.m., Merrick Lecture Hall
by Julie Jeffrey, Professor of History.
November 30, 2000
Join us for a visit to two great New York libraries. We begin our day with a tour
at the New York Public Library, where we will learn about its history and architecture
as well as visit the newly renovated Reading Room. Lunch will be on your own at one
of the many restaurants between the NYPL and the Morgan Library. At 2 pm, we meet
at the Morgan Library, the Renaissance palazzo built by J.P. Morgan for his enormous
collection of rare books, illuminated manuscripts, prints, and drawings. We will have
a tour of the building and then a special talk on the library's Jane Austen collection--part
of which was given by Alberta Burke, Goucher '28. We leave at 7:15 am and return about
8:00 pm.
The price of $95 includes transportation, entrance and docent fees, juice and muffins
on the way up, and wine and cheese on the return trip. This trip is co-sponsored by
the Friends of the Goucher Library and the Goucher College Alumnae/i Trips & Tours
Committee. There is a limit of 30 participants.
Co-leaders: Rhoda Dorsey (410-828-6161) and Beverly Winter (410-583-2356)
Investigating and Sharing History with Children
September 20, 2000 at 7 pm Merrick Lecture Hall
Kate Waters, author of many books for children, including Mary Geddy's Day: A Colonial Girl in Williamsburg, Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times, On the Mayflower: Voyage of the Ship's Apprentice and a Passenger Girl, and The Mysterious Horseman: An Adventure in Prairietown, 1836. Ms Waters' books will be available for sale and signing.
This program is one of a series of events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Friends of the Goucher College Library.